Projektgesellschaft Gartenstadt Werdersee

Projektgesellschaft Gartenstadt Werdersee

The project company of garden city Gartenstadt Werdersee.

Organization Type: Real estate developer
Specialties: Unknown
Founding Year: 2022
Country: Germany
City: Bremen
Zip code: 28357
Address: Haferwende 36 A


Projektgesellschaft Gartenstadt Werdersee (Project company Gartenstadt Werdersee) is a shared residential project in the garden city of Werdersee – tender for building communities

On the large area of the garden town of Werdersee, an area is being created directly north of the Habenhauser Landstraße, which is intended for the development by a building community. Interested building communities have the opportunity to purchase this plot by submitting a conceptual offer at a fixed price. The aim is a communal residential project that contributes in a special way to the living and quality of life of the district and the district.
