New Earswick Parish Council

New Earswick Parish Council

The civil local authority of New Earswick.

Organization Type: Municipality
Specialties: Unknown
Founding Year: 1902
Country: United Kingdom
City: York
Zip code: YO32 4BY
Address: New Earswick Primary School, New Earswick


New Earswick Parish Council has a wide range of powers including looking after community buildings, planning, street lighting, allotments. They also have the power to raise money through council tax.

On the website of the New Earswick Parish Council you will be able to find information on how to contact Members of the Parish Council and copies of the agendas and minutes of the Parish Council. Meetings are held at the Folk Hall on the third Monday of each month (except December), commencing at 7.00 p.m. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

The General Purposes and Planning Committee meet as required between the regular monthly meetings of the Council. They discuss matters requiring urgent attention or detailed examination, which are then reported to the full Council.

In addition, the Finance Committee meets at least four times a year and acts in an advisory capacity to the full Council on financial matters This includes monitoring the income and expenditure of the Council, reviewing the financial controls and looking in detail at grant applications.

The Parish was formerly part of Ryedale District within the County of North Yorkshire. As part of local government re-organisation in 1996, the City of York became a unitary authority which included New Earswick.
