International Federation for Housing and Planning

International Federation for Housing and Planning

The International Federation of Housing and Planning (IFHP) is a membership-based non-profit dedicated to addressing and advancing urban and housing challenges through knowledge sharing and collaborative partnerships worldwide.

Organization Type: Campaigning organization
Specialties: Unknown
Founding Year: 1913
Country: Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Zip code: 1569
Address: Edvard Falcks Gade 3


The International Federation of Housing and Planning (IFHP) is a membership-based association dedicated to fostering knowledge exchange and the implementation of decent housing and urban sustainability. Founded in 1913, IFHP originated as an international forum for the Garden City Movement, operating in the UK, and is recognized as the first international forum for knowledge exchange on housing and planning.

IFHP serves as a platform for professionals, policymakers, scholars, and enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds to collaborate on urbanization issues. Over the years, IFHP has evolved from focusing on the Garden City concept to promoting broader urban sustainability and green agendas. Its mission is to advance sustainable cities and communities, housing, and human settlements worldwide.

As a hub for international dialogue, networking, collaboration, and advocacy, IFHP facilitates the exchange of ideas, best practices, and innovative solutions through events like conferences, workshops, talks, tours, site visits, and publications. Key topics include urban governance and financing, infrastructure and mobility, climate resiliency, urban livability, social inclusion, urban health, and affordable housing, all viewed through the lens of sustainability.

IFHP operates through networks, collaborations, and partnerships at various levels—from the UN to local entities—participating in platforms, initiatives, and projects on housing and urban issues. By leveraging its extensive network and expertise, IFHP influences urban policies and practices to promote sustainable and inclusive urban development.

With a global ambition and reach, IFHP engages with voices, practices with and from people, and communities worldwide. Its commitment to knowledge sharing and collaborative action significantly contributes to the advancement of urban planning and housing solutions globally.
