Bewonersvereniging Tuin & Oostdorp

Bewonersvereniging Tuin & Oostdorp

The Bewonersorganisatie Tuin & Oostdorp is the residents' organisation of the 'Garden and East Village' in the town of Bergen.

Organization Type: Residents' organization
Specialties: Representing interests
Founding Year: 2020
Country: Netherlands
City: Bergen
Zip code: 1862 XH
Address: Jaap Veldheerhof 1


The residents' association is a lively and active group of people. The aim of the association is to represent the interests of the residents of the Tuin & Oostdorp (Garden and East Village) neighbourhood in Bergen, NH and to promote social cohesion.

It aims to achieve this by:

  • encouraging residents' involvement in their living environment
  • encouraging participation and representation of neighbourhood residents in all plans and activities affecting the neighbourhood
  • monitoring the progress, result and quality of the implementation of plans and activities
  • stimulating and organising socio-cultural activities that promote contact between neighbourhood residents

Working groups serve to realise a variety of objectives, but what they have in common is that they want to improve life in this neighbourhood and adapt it to changes in society. These working groups are coordinated by members of the board
